Monday, June 8, 2009

Through the use of highly effective field intelligence practices, "Pointman" is a vital tool dedicated to the support and enhancement of business plans and account management activities of small to medium sized organizations. These methods were forged over 27 years in the dynamic commercial aviation business and are intended to optimize field operations which include elements of Sales / Marketing; Strategic / Tactical Planning; Situational Analysis; As well as actionable Field Intelligence acquisition.

In today’s business climate where limited resources are the rule, the implementation of this concept is economical, efficient and is designed to be incorporated into present operations. It also generates an extremely focused effort resulting in the most advantageous use and deployment of field personnel. This produces a high degree of confidence that you can succeed in your marketplace by being in a superior strategic and tactical position at all times.

The objective of "Pointman" is threefold:

1. Supply the tools necessary to seamlessly provide the function of an effective intelligence operation without having to maintain a separate and costly intel gathering unit.

2. Condense and simplify the complex and overarching practices of business/competitive intelligence operations into a straightforward turnkey architecture that can be easily integrated into day to day sales and marketing activities.

3. Engender a change in mindset where highly refined field intelligence methods combined with proficient sales and marketing skills merge into one.

Simply put, "Pointman" provides the means necessary to put you and your field force in the right place with the right people promoting the right product at the right time.

Benefits include:

- Concentrates on what’s important not the urgent.
- Reduces time and resource wasters.
- Anticipates customer / competitor / industry moves.
- Provides timely, reliable, confirmable, real time intel.
- Promotes the creation of more coherent and opportune strategic/tactical /sales action plans.
- Exponentially increases your chances of prevailing in your marketplace.
- Mitigates personnel costs by serving as a force multiplier.
- Provokes critical thinking.
- Improves target discipline.
- Centers around the projects with the most beneficial potential for your company
- Reduces T&E expenses.
- Increases forecast accuracy.
- Its seamless, laser sharp in focus and cost effective to deploy.


> Personal or on line consultation with respect to the integration of “Pointman”.

> Perform situational analysis and make recommendations re: field intelligence acquisition practices as it applies to sales and marketing operations.

> Intelligence based trade show planning, integration and execution.

> Regional, territorial or individual account analysis, management and penetration.